...interested in attending??? contact Laura at [email protected]to be added to Workshop email list.
Preliminary Series Four Sessions One day per session, 10am-4pm Cost: $95.00 per person / per day ALL supplies included!
Session One - INTRODUCTION TO LINEN AND GOUACHE In this introductory class students will spend the day discovering water-soluable gouache paint. They will learn about linen as a medium and how to effectively transfer images without the use of solvents. All students will be provided with the materials to complete their very own stretched linen work of art during the workshop.
Session Two - COLOUR MIXING TECHNIQUES The second class of the series will focus on colour-mixing technique. Each student will learn the importance of colour creation and complete a colour-matching exercise. The afternoon will be spent using these newly created colours on a provided stretched linen canvas. All supplies included with fee.
Session Three - EXPERIMENTING WITH MEDIUM The third class of the series will focus on painting techniques. As a class we will explore the many uses of gouache paint as a medium and the variety of successful methods to which it can be applied. Students are asked to bring their work from the previous session to continue working on. Small canvases will be supplied for new students.
Session Four - DISCUSSION AND CRITIQUE This class is designed to aid those who have previous experience in painting with gouache paint. Students are encouraged to bring work that they have created and/or are working on. We will spend the day exploring new and effective ways to apply and work with gouache paint on the mediums of the students choice (ie. paper, linen, cotton canvas).
Laura offers workshops to groups of 5-8 people. If you are interested in setting up a workshop in your area, please contact her <[email protected]> or phone 250.615.8193.