...but that is the best thing about ART >>> it is always there. Just waiting, ready to be picked right back up where you left it.
I have been on a bit of a studio hiatus. Linen as my preferred medium has been unavailable to purchase for a few years now. I like linen >>> the look, the smell, the weave... and maybe it can be found primed white or stretched in specific shapes and sizes >>> but that is not what I am looking for. I like a BIG ROLL of clear-primed linen that I can use to make all the shapes and sizes of my choice. Anywho... instead of going on about what I cannot find, I took a look at what is around me. I reworked my studio to get settled in & focused AND to make room for my daughter, Ellys, to join me in the creative process. The result: beautiful wool roving >> on linen << in lovely little embroidery hoop (frames). How fun!
What a lovely sunny afternoon! Clothes are drying in the breeze on the line outside and I am tucked away painting (drawing) in my studio. Seven 6" x 6" birds complete and a couple 11" x 14" nearly complete - a Northern Flicker and a stunning Barn Owl. Feeling ready for next week's install at the Terrace Art Gallery. www.terraceartgallery.com
Finding happiness in freshly painted canvases, delicious warm meals with my friends and children, and gorgeous fall walks amongst the colourful falling leaves. Lots of birds in the works for install at next weeks show... along with henna-inspired designs, waterfalls, and flowers. Enjoy!
Studio had a good deep clean and organize this weekend.
Getting ready for Centre 64 art show in Kimberley this fall. Purging old paintings and filling frames - old and new. Starting some new botanical works from my collection of flowers during this mornings walk. Lupins, wild roses, columbine, kallick-kallick, and fireweed. So so so super excited to share this with you!
Marie-Christine and I have pulled off exactly what we had hoped for. Over fourteen months in the works and tomorrow we get to share all the hard work, fun times and finished pieces with you. I am very pleased with the entire show - the balance of the top to lower gallery as well as the scale, installation, and atmosphere. Please join us tomorrow evening for a glass of wine and a big happy smile. This FAMILY PORTRAIT makes me smile every time! Enjoy! Having fun today "setting up shoppe!"
Marie-Christine and I have enjoyed collaborating on a few different works for this upcoming exhibition. Opening November 6th - as well as having a variety of paintings and prints for sale, we have added a subsidiary gift shop space into the the upper gallery filled with small paintings, art cards, postcards, pin-badges, magnets, calendars, t-shirts, pottery, and more! Come on in and say hello. A few finishing touches and a whole lot of packaging to complete.
Here is a sneak peek at the owl lino. cuts. There will be 35 for sale at the gallery exhibition in November. Each have been printed on card paper with white ink and drawn on with Staedtler pens, gouache, and water colour pencil. $10/each. As well... a hummingbird on birch - watercolour pencil, gouache, and transfer... in the works. Hope to see you at the gallery this month! Cheers. |
Laura McGregorA mother of two, a small animal tender, a hobby-gardener, and an artist. Archives
July 2023